Wialon local avd map

Тема: Wialon local avd map

Hello dear
I am using Wialon local and I am creating detailed AVD map. I hava a points /with coordinates/, polygons and polylines. But i don't know how can i use *.xml file. Following links showing example file: https://docs.wialon.com/en/local/admin/ … ps/avd/avd
Please tell me detailed information of AVD map.
<layer file="chel-city-p.shp">
        <features type="64" max_level="2" name="$NAME" address="$NAME">
            <mod filter="PLACE ='village'" type="66" is_city="1" region="$ADDR_REGIO" max_level="1" name="$NAME" address="$NAME"/>
            <mod filter="PLACE = 'town'" type="65" is_city="1" region="$ADDR_REGIO" max_level="1" name="$NAME" address="$NAME"/>
            <mod filter="PLACE = 'city'" type="64" is_city="1" region="$ADDR_REGIO" max_level="1" name="$NAME" address="$NAME"/>

here is how can i describe our POIs to village, town and city. My POIs only have a name, latitude and longitude.

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