Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103


Ok I will test the system, apparently is working ok now.
Just a query, the change that you are done is for the unit I'm test or is something definite for any unit that I configure.



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

crabi, for any unit.

At the dark side of telematics...

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi guys I have a problem with my "TK-103" device in mode SMS works fine, but when a try to track trough wialon software and I cant see the IMEI is 352033030333830 can you help me? I configure how 103 device 102 device I use differents ports etc the device is generating traffic but I cant see trough the software I have other device tk-102 from a different vendor and works great in mode GPRS the IMEI is 353451641054653, we are creating a tracking company and we are testing different devices, we espected buy SaaS version with some customization of your product and we thinks that your product works excellent


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I have a gps tk103a-Coban.
I want to ask?
why often gps tk103a send alarms and door alarms are also acc?

how do I stop it?



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Could somebody help me to log a tk-107 or tk-007 (of xexun technologies) on www.gps-trace.com?


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

This device is like the Xexun TK103.

I need the server ip and port too to try my device. tks in advance!


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

You can find settings for TK-103 here: http://gurtam.com/en/products/datacente … ?id=tk_103

At the dark side of telematics...

Coban TK-103

(edited by Ghosty69 11/12/2011 01:10:40)

Re: Coban TK-103

hello to everyone. I have this model http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dl … OU:US:1123
and can do it setting to GPRS ON someone PLEASE help me;
i try in http://orange.gps-trace.com/ User name Ghosty69 password xaros69
and http://www.gpstrackerxy.com User name Ghosty69 password xaros69
but nothing my IMEI is 353451047120926 my ip is port 61120 APN internet.vodafone.gr
Try many days but nothing GPRS123456, adminip123456 61120 i check123456 and say me GPRS OFF
if i call the device sent me  location latitude and longitude  Please help
Thanks and sorry for my english


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi all now fix all say me GPRS On my device now flashing 1 light after 3 sec but i cant show me whare i am on the sites http://orange.gps-trace.com/ and http://www.gpstrackerxy.com
Any help??


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

May be you have a wrong ID of tracker. You can check this with the site http://id.wialon.net/
Change the IP address in device's settings to and leave port without changes. After that look at site id.wialon.net and wait for appearing of the real ID of your device. If it will not appear for long time - you really have problems with GPRS configuration. In this case refer to your mobile operator to get the right settings. Also check balance of SIM card.

flespi team

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hy dear guys i have also an tk-103 of coban looked on the post i get it in my demo acount but he need long time to show me the real time tracking how i can configurat it that the tracker shows me ev ery 1 min. i thing that is why i didn't see it real time . please help me .

best regarts


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi,need active imei for coban tk103,tk102...tracker? I know Wendy(skype:zysales03, msn:sales03@zhyichina) will help lot,really fast and good service.

Added after    2 minuts  15 seconds:
send disarm+password to the tracker.

teamspy wrote:

I have a gps tk103a-Coban.
I want to ask?
why often gps tk103a send alarms and door alarms are also acc?

how do I stop it?



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I need devices very cheap and I was watching the brand Coban. Has anyone tried this brand?


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hi Teletraq,

Take a good look on both url's, and try to find the difference :

http://gurtam.com/en/gps_tracking/gps_h … tron_gt102




Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I'm testing the following devices:

http://gurtam.com/en/gps_tracking/gps_h … t102_20558

I can see the tracker online and send commands. However I can´t add digital sensors, since I have no parameters in the area of sensors.

Is this normal? Issue is the firmware version?

I hope you can help me.


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Check that you have the parameters box checked in the user settings. Also that the parameters that you want to see are enabled on the device. Some devices have the ports disabled as standard so you need to go in using the configurator application and enable them.

Hope this helps

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I was trying to configure Coban 103A in wialon and when tested in ID checker, I am getting the information like IP addres and port with name of tracker. When I redirect the IP address to wialon, it is showing online, but the vehicle is not appearing in the MAP.


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

I have imported a couple of Coban T103A and struggling to get it on the wialon map. Shall update the results soon



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Good luck smile

orosgroup wrote:

I have imported a couple of Coban T103A and struggling to get it on the wialon map. Shall update the results soon



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

“adminip123456 22022”

and let it fix GPS Signal

Spread the AVL- World

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Greetings. Please I need a help I have a 103 Tracker Coban is sending each time and very often the message "Help me". Delete button, I made sure there is no contact between the cables and still continues ... there any messages that you send command to stop this spending message. ?? Thank you.!


Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Hello i am sidiiq from somalia and i am having difficulty of configuring my devices to the Wialon hosting trial account provided to me by my regional manager Anisa alsendy so i am having some questions about the configuration and here is the configuration that coban(manufacturer)  has given me before i use their software platform


1. Firstly , pls confirm your simcard subscribe the GPRS service,sim card is working with GPS trackers.
2.Second: what is the APN in your local city? In China (APN is cmnet) need to use China mobile simcard Different GSM company different sim card, different APN.
3. Set GPRS mode steps:A) if your local APN is cmnet, here is the step of how to set GPRS 1).
send begin123456 it will reply , begin ok
b).send apn123456 cmnet it will reply, apn ok
c) If youregister on server 2 send adminip123456 9000 If you register on server 1.(10 days free use) Send SMS: adminip123456 9000
d)send gprs123456 , it will reply GPRS ok
e)send check123456 it reply GPS OK, GPRS ON , it means you set the GPRS mode successfully. See? do not send "Check123456" , the right command is " check123456" all command need to write in lower case letters. Note: all 5 SMS commands need to be right, or users can not set GPRS mode successfully.

so is there any different commands i have to send to the tracker when registering in the wialon hosting server.or they are the same in commands and i have to register just my unique ID (IMEI), mobile number inserted the device in international format and also the Device model GPS-103B
waiting your soonest reply.


Coban TK-103

(edited by wwbusch aka Buwo 01/10/2014 00:14:26)

Re: Coban TK-103

ok, let me try to help you.

first: you need to have a simcard which is enabled for gprs. As i know in Somalia you should use "Hormuud Prepaid"

find out the APN and username/password from your simcard provider. Just call their serviceprovider and ask them for this information.

second: create in WIALON a new unit by going to cms.wialon.com, login with your demo credentials.
go to "units", click to "create new unit", enter a name, enter the IMEI number of your TK103 in field "unique id", choose GPS-103B as "device-type" and click to ok.

third: send following SMS to the phonenumber you put into the gps tracker: begin123456
device should answer with "begin ok".
send next sms with apn: apn123456 (name of the apn, for example apn123456 hormuud)
if your operator needs to set a username and password for gprs connections send following additional SMS:
send sms: up123456 username password (example up123456 gprs secret)

now you need to set the IP adress and port:
send sms with text "adminip123456 20558" (always without quotations!)

now you need to enable gprs:
send sms with text "gprs123456"

last is typicaly to set the update intervall how often device should send.
(ask coban for this command, i dont have it here)

by the way, device should always answer with some kind of OK.


P.S. did you read the documents on http://docs.gurtam.com?
very usefull.
you should start with http://docs.wialon.com/en/hosting/user/quick/quick

Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Just to fill the tracking interval question follow as below

sms command for 20 second,  fix020s***n123456



Coban TK-103

Re: Coban TK-103

Thanks Orosgroup,

i think we should do some kind of collecting sms commands for popular devices somewhere here....


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post