Queclink GL300VC

(edited by anguyen 16/01/2016 21:32:45)

Topic: Queclink GL300VC


Our company uses Queclink GL300VC to track deliveries to the door. During a job we have units canvassing through areas and it would be much easier to observe the progress and quality of their delivery if we can track by unit groups. As of right now we are required to pull individual units one by one. This can take a fair amount of time with some jobs that have over a dozen total units.

My primary suggestion is to have the ability to track unit groups within the unit pull down of tracks.

If possible, another feature that would save time would be to refresh the present day tracking layer.

Please see my crude attached example tongue

Thank you,

  • Queclink GL300VC

Queclink GL300VC

Re: Queclink GL300VC

anguyen, could you please describe your idea of tracking by groups in more detail?

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Queclink GL300VC

Re: Queclink GL300VC

Hey Alek,

We may have one unit group with up to 10 units canvassing an area. Rather than individually tracking units by selecting each one from the pull down menu, I am suggesting we add a feature where we can select the unit group from the pull down menu thus mapping out the tracks of all units associated to the unit group.

For example, one job may have three unit groups consisting of six units each. Normally I would be required to track all 18 units individually to see the delivery's tracking history. With the suggested feature, I would only need to track three unit groups to display all 18 units on the map.

Hope this clarifies my idea.


Queclink GL300VC

Re: Queclink GL300VC

Finally, I understand)

That fact is, this kind of option has been already developed. You should look for it not in Tracks but in Reports. You see, reports are specially designed for viewing and analyzing history of events. Reports possess most sophisticated tools and options allowing people to accomplish all kinds of tasks.

Create a report template for unit groups with no tables and graphs, but with just one option — "Trip routes" or "All messages on map" (located in the section Map output). Then execute this report on any unit group you have.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Queclink GL300VC

Re: Queclink GL300VC

Awesome! This helps tremendously!

Thank you Alek smile