Testing and server hardware requirements

Тема: Testing and server hardware requirements

Dear Admin,

I am new here and so happens bump into your website. I wanted to test out the system before i actually buy the Professional version for my new venture biz. I am looking into setting up a gps tracking service biz. Any suggestion?
If i were to buy the Pro version, what sort of hardware or setup do i need? Could i use a Hosting website to set everything up? How much is the Pro version?
Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.



Testing and server hardware requirements

Re: Testing and server hardware requirements

Hello Steven,

First commercial questions is better to ask by e-mail. Next, regarding your post: Hosting version should in 99% cases fulfill all you buisness needs, it cheaper and more powerfull then Pro version in almost all cases. Main differences can be found here. Wialon Pro cost starts from 2300 EUR (one time fee).
Hardware requirements for Wialon Pro can be found here.

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