Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Topic: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Dear All

I wish to have your help to introduce me to a device that is integrated with wialon and that can provide the following Functions:

1. - Live tracking on wialon
2. - Mobile DVR with recording on SD card or HDD in vehicle
3. - Possibility to view video live on wialon or any wialon app
4. - the device should have G sensor for driver behavior
5.- Live tracking on wialon platform or app should be available on request this will save us on data plan ( on command via gprs etc...)
6.- the device should have inputs and output  analogue and digital

that's all for now

thanking you all in advance for your help

Yoosouf Parvez
From Startouch
Mobile : +23057631200

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Dear Yoosouf,
We are delighted to introduce you our solution – GALILEOSKY v5.0 + GALILEOSKY camera. It fits your inquiry perfectly.
1.     No doubts about tracking on Wialon.
2.     Not exactly DVR, but you may store up to 32 Gb of shots on SD card.
3.     You may see what happens outside/inside the transport in Wialon online.
4.     Inbuilt G-Sensor, Eco Driving, driver behavior evaluation.
5.     Very flexible distant configuration via GPRS or SMS.
6.     8 analogue inputs, 4 outputs, RS-485, RS-232, CAN, 1-wire
7.     And many more…
For more information, please visit our web site or contact me. I would be happy to provide you with additional information about GALILEOSKY products on your mail.

Максим Ревякин,

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

maxGS  Does it store photo or video ?

Yoosouf Parvez
From Startouch
Mobile : +23057631200

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

GALILEOSKY camera takes photos only, there is no live video streaming. However, it might be enough for registration of road condition, protection of moving objects etc. I would be glad to provide you with the technical characteristics of the device by e-mail or you may download it from our website http://7gis.ru/en/doc/GalileoCam_En.pdf

Максим Ревякин,

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

we all need a moblie DVR to make sure we are safe


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Well, I have a recommendation for you, in Jimilab.com, the GPS tracker can meet your requirements, in fact, i just think the rear view mirror DVR also can achieve this. More details you can click at the website.


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR


Does the Wialon support MDVR, where I can use the video monitoring and streaming, and save the recorded videos. Please provide me with the MDVRs that wialon support them if this option available.

Thank you


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

The only tracker with supported video functionality is

Online streaming  is not available. But you can download video file from MDVR memory or set up some events for sending video files to Wialon platform.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR


What about the MDVR in the following link



Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

(edited by yavi 18/05/2016 16:24:25)

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

mohammad.latayfeh   Video functions are not supported. Wialon  receives and analyzes telematics data.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

did you made some calculations about the data you need to transfer? i did some online streaming tests with mobile data... if you realy want to upload H264 videodata with 5 frames per second you need 2,5 mbit upload speed (constant) and have 150GB of data.
do you have LTE? / 4G? 3G is only reliable if you are near the base station and dont move a lot. You will always have interuptions etc.

maybe a "still picture" upload is something for you?

you can calculate the bandwith on http://stardot.com/bandwidth-and-storage-calculator


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Option is to have unit that stores to a hardrive  and then use WiFi to carry out the transfer. Bear in mind that when the unit is uploading video there is no tracking data being uploaded.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

(edited by yavi 23/05/2016 09:27:07)

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

JohnG But these scheme  is not online streaming.

If you need to see only some period of video -- as I wrote earlier you can use Smart witness KP1. Device saves video to the internal memory or SD card and Wialon user can send command to download some video. Or for example set up sensor for sending video to server (for example, harsh breaking or SOS button).

If you develop some equipment for saving video and transmitting via WIFI in the office -- there is another problem.
If you need to save full archieve of all video for some period (for example 24/7, one year) it needs extremly huge hard disk space and use any telematics plattform  (including Wialon) is not very good idea.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

To show everebody the video functions in Wialon we prepared the article on our blog
http://weblog.gurtam.com/2016/06/smartw … p1-review/

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

another option is to look at the Streamax MDVR's. The X3 protocol is in Wialon and I have submitted the newer version of the protocol to the hardware team to update the X3 and add the x5

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

In my opinion better to use proprietary equipment and software rather than try to feet everything to Wialon. Based on our experience, periodically sending photo to Wialon works fine, but not the live video streaming.


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

(edited by Bart 04/11/2016 12:34:08)

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

We are trying to find out the added value of having video integrated within Gurtam or any other telematics application. One of the advantages is that you are able to make a driver safety report with video links. But if, for example, a vehicle is speeding on the highway, the duration of the video might last long, having an impact for the GPRS data plan.
Many users are looking for a video surveillance system to catch pickpockets and for other crimes and there is no way to have them detected with a sensor. Has anybody any ideas?
In case of an accident, the advantage of a combination with a telematics application is that you do not have to search for the right video session, but at the other end, nowadays many off-line video/CCTV solutions comes with GPS and a simple application with a map.

MAXXfleet Superior Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management
We are specialized in Mobile Asset Tracking and Monitoring • Satellite Tracking and Communication • Vessel Monitoring • Container Tracking • Control Room and Corporate Telematics Services

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Bart most of these functions (videos by overspeeding event, accidents events, geozones) can be realized in Wialon using smartwitness kp1
Online streming 24/7 is unavailable.

Also I'd like to pay attention that we are working on extension the list of supported  video devices.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

I too am looking for something similar. However we all know LIVE STREAMING is out at this stage due the bandwidth of video etc.

What I am looking for is a MDVR with harddrive. When a vehicle is involved in an accident or driver reports and incident. One can remote in and search for that footage and just download that specific segment, be it 20 seconds of the accident or 1 min of a driver reported incident.

Save it and download it to your PC.
Most MDVR units have really good, tracking and alerts and connectivity to various input and outputs.

I would be interested in this tracking integration and remote access to video incidents.

I have a customer looking for 40 of these units. The reason why we need remote access is the truck travel accross the EU so when something happens, the office can immediately get the footage.

Any suggestions.


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

glenn.pearson These functions are available for SmartWitness KP1
https://weblog.gurtam.com/2016/06/smart … p1-review/
If you know any other devices with the same functions please propose. We'll try to integrate it.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

(edited by glenn.pearson 01/12/2016 19:56:51)

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Hello Yavi,

Perfect thank you. I have just made an enquiry with them.

Looks fantastic

Thank you. Great Intergration


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR


My potential customer Loves the KP1, However it only supports one extra camera.
Main Forward Camera and one other - Sise or Rear or internal.

My customer is looking for One Front Facing and two side cameras.
No live streaming - Only in case of an accident Or incident.

Because it only has one extra... it is a no go.

Everything else is either has thier own platform ... so that is out...

Any ideas will be great thanks.



Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

(edited by yavi 14/03/2017 10:27:07)

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

glenn.pearson  We're working on the integration of more varaints of accident cameras.
Unfortunately we can't give any terms because there are many nuances.
Please follow the news in this topic.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Online streaming  is not available for Kp1.
Do you know when is ready?


Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

Re: Mobile DVR with Tracking and Digital + Analogue inputs. MDVR

dv SmartWitness KP1 is an Accident Camera
Live video isn't supported by manufacturer.

Live video is available for Servision IVG400
https://gurtam.com/en/gps-hardware/auto … cification

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst