FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Topic: FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Hi ,

Has anyone installed a FLS in a Honda Fit  Hybrid ?

I tried to get OBD readings using queclink GV500 , but  it seemed that it could not read anything from the OBD port. any other tracker anyone has tried and working with Honda Fit OBD?


FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Re: FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Honda doesn't allow fuel readings from OBD as i know , i've used gv500 calamp and the most functional of 5 model tested was eelink OBD-tracker, i sugest to install ultrasonic devices capable to translate data to mosto common trackers available

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FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Re: FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

OBD is not a good solution to tack fuel. for some vehicles it gives fuel consumption not fuel level but that is also not accurate. Best and usable solution for car is ultrasonic but cant expect capacitive sensor performance through this one.


FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Re: FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

i agree, also OBD output's fuel data in percent not in liters.

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FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

Re: FLS installation in Honda Fit Hybrid

OBD trackers are not good with hybrid vehicles. Readings which depend on engine state will not give a good output with OBD trackers. Even if the fuel level is detected, this situation will cause to give inaccurate output in fuel reports and charts.

Only few models give fuel level output via OBD port.