Topic: Concox GT100 motorcycle Security&Tracker
If you are looking for Security & Tracking device for motorcycle this is a new promissing solution
and very atractive in cost.
Tracking perfomace is amazing good, works fine with wialon.
Regarding security it gives many essential alerts like vibration, geofence on parking, cut off power, low voltage and many more.
The alerts pop up in the application , works fine , Very usefull for protecting the motorcycle.
The application works with Concox web service . Nice solution .
I would like to see GT100 well embeded in wialon so that those security alerts will be available on wialon.
Tracking with wialon is perfect but there is a bug. The time on every fix on wialon shows 2 hours before the real local time.
I like to hear from other partners that use GT100 .
Ready to raise up more issus to be solved so GT100 will be well supported with wialon.
Ananas Global