New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Тема: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

New functionality available for Wialon Hosting users today:
•    New command for tachographs "DDD file query";

how does it work and which HW is supported?


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Wolf, for european systems we are currently in process of supporting this feature for Ruptela devices. Other trackers  manufactures are going to be supported as well, but except Teltonika that keeping silence and asking us to buy few devies before they will consult us about this feature, I do not know other manufacturers.
We have In short time plans features like ESTR and TachoManager applications.

At the dark side of telematics...

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

shal пишет:

we are currently in process of supporting this feature for Ruptela devices

Great news!

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

shal пишет:

Wolf, for european systems we are currently in process of supporting this feature for Ruptela devices. Other trackers  manufactures are going to be supported as well, but except Teltonika that keeping silence and asking us to buy few devies before they will consult us about this feature, I do not know other manufacturers.
We have In short time plans features like ESTR and TachoManager applications.

Hi Shal,

thanks for info. How about BCE and cGuard?


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

wwbusch aka Buwo пишет:

thanks for info. How about BCE and cGuard?

They do not support tachograph connection as far as I know.

At the dark side of telematics...

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

wwbusch aka Buwo more information on the tacho manufacturers interested in integration of download and ddd analysis to come today. Stay tuned on our http://weblog.gurtam.com!

Aksana Astapovich
Regional Manager, EU

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

(04/12/2014 15:36:00 отредактировано GoGPS)

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

wwbusch aka Buwo пишет:

How about BCE

For the moment not supported, but as I know this feature is under development smile

Eduard Vald / GoGPS Service

New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Dear all,

Is there any news on Remote Tachograph Download feature?

Our customer are very impatient for this feature for all Wialon releases (Hosting, Local and Pro)

Best regards,


New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Re: New functions: how does tachograph download work?

Dragan, yep tacho apps are already avaible for at least a month.
For hardware contact our support for exact details.

At the dark side of telematics...