ITS-soft MVT 17

Topic: ITS-soft MVT 17

Hello everybody,
I need configuration software for MVT17L3 called Linkadmin, please advise mer where to downlaod it . I also look for the commands for setting this device.
Thanks in advance

  • ITS-soft MVT 17

ITS-soft MVT 17

Re: ITS-soft MVT 17

never heard about it.

chinese one?

do you use it in Wialon? Maybe Gurtam has some docs if it is supportet by Wialon...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

ITS-soft MVT 17

Re: ITS-soft MVT 17

http://gurtam.com/en/gps_tracking/gps_h … l?id=91807 supported

At the dark side of telematics...

ITS-soft MVT 17

Re: ITS-soft MVT 17

Thank you for your replies,
The supplyer is : http://www.eltehs.com/pro/MVT_17L3/
I have some units that i want to test but there is no documentation about commands to send to the tracker. The tracker could be set up via a configuration software called Linkadmin but I am not able to find it.


ITS-soft MVT 17

Re: ITS-soft MVT 17

whau, always wondering how different units supported by wialon.


write to support@its-soft.ru (the manufactor) and ask for help.
they have also english website, so i am sure you can write in englisch.

Good luck


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

ITS-soft MVT 17

Re: ITS-soft MVT 17

Hi wwbusch aka Buwo,
Thanks for your advise. Yeh sure i will zrite them immediately and see if they could help.
Thanks again