Тема: FTP Access to Location Data
Got today an interesting request and in my eyes also a useful request:
Tomtom Webfleet and also some other larger competitors like Garmin seems to have a simple FTP Access function where user can just import latest position by a simple ftp request into a file directory where the local "fleet management" software is accessing this files and using the data.
(i know, for this a good developer uses SDK, but the phone call was very simple: "tomtom has this, we dont have an developer and dont want to spent money into this if a competitor has a plug and play solution"...
So i would like to ask for such a think :-)
The file which seems to be like a standard (in western european systems) looks like this:
where 1.st field is always 15 (must be something like "gps position flag" or so
date, time, "unit-name" "i dont know for what:-) " and Latitude / Longitude.
than this guys are just calling every few minutes a simple script on their server:
REM TomTom bearbeiten
C:\Programme\NcFTP\ncftpget.exe -u XXUser -p XXPasswort -r 2 -DD -a 87.106.xx.xx C:\Programme\WinSped\Daten\Telematik\TOMTOM\Comm_In\ out/*.*
which just get the "files" and put them into the import directory of their (popular) fleet management software...
Anybody else who would like to have something like that?
(or has a software which uses sdk and produces such files?)