Trouble with remote api url for notifications

Topic: Trouble with remote api url for notifications


I cant figure what is worng with this URL I want to create a notification but it gives an "error: 4" , this is the url:


Trouble with remote api url for notifications

Re: Trouble with remote api url for notifications

When you have {error: 4} please first of all check your `params` with any json validator (for example, http://json.parser.online.fr/)

In given example


`params` json is not valid: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ×. You have to use x (letter) but not × (multiply symbol) in hex, replace "fl":0×1 with "fl":0x1


Trouble with remote api url for notifications

Re: Trouble with remote api url for notifications

I replaced, in the parser seems every thing ok. but in the remote api keeps giving an error: 4


Trouble with remote api url for notifications

Re: Trouble with remote api url for notifications

URL shoul be encoded, replace "+" symbols with %2b.
Also "tz" param should be in seconds, so use -25200 instead of -7