Configuriing notifications using remote api

Topic: Configuriing notifications using remote api


If a want a notifications that triggers only on mondays from 1pm to 4 pm, wich parameters do i have to send on the url? I dont understand how "SCH" parameter works.


Configuriing notifications using remote api

Re: Configuriing notifications using remote api


f1 - f2  - time in minutes from 12 am

m, y, w - days of a month, month of a year and day of week  in binary system
ex.    1:   2^0=1,  15:   2^14=16384

In your case from 1pm to 4 pm on mondays:

Development Department

Configuriing notifications using remote api

Re: Configuriing notifications using remote api

Oh thanks! that worked, and in case I want the same but on monday and wednesday?


Configuriing notifications using remote api

(edited by shmi 26/02/2014 10:24:36)

Re: Configuriing notifications using remote api

Days of week in hex representation:

Monday         2^0 = 0x1 = 1
Tuesday        2^1 = 0x2 = 2
Wednesday  2^2 = 0x4 = 4
Thursday      2^3 = 0x8 = 8
Friday            2^4 = 0x10 = 16
Saturday       2^5 = 0x20 = 32
Sunday         2^6 = 0x40 = 64

To select several days of week use binary OR and put obtained value in 'sch.w' param:

Mondays or Wednesdays = 0x1 | 0x4 = 0x5 = 5
