Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

Тема: Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

I wolud like to find someone who will develope an App(for my hosting) like Agrowialon with plots, cultivations reports etc.

Can you answer  me if this is possible and what is the right way to do this.What do I need from my hosting and what my future developer needs to know?

If there is someone who think he can do it ,please contact me.

Best regards


Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

Re: Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

aahero, do you think creation of a new one would be cheaper than licensing that module from agrosturman?
(i do not think so)


Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

Re: Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

It is not about price but last time I was asking about that agro solution from agrosturman it was only possible to connect vehicles to their server wialonpro and I want to have solution in my hosting package.


Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

Re: Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

I can help you if you need an app for Android.

But I think it would be really more convenient if you speak with Agrosturman people again. It would be definitive cheaper and quicker to move their solution to hosting, than to develop a completely new solution.


Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

Re: Creation of a new App like Agrowialon

aahero пишет:

It is not about price but last time I was asking about that agro solution from agrosturman it was only possible to connect vehicles to their server wialonpro and I want to have solution in my hosting package.

we don't offer Wialon Pro for usage with partner's vehicles. You are mixing up. Wialon Pro last edition doesn't have Agro yet.
we are offering our Wialon Hosting with agro add-ons, i am suprise why  it is not workable for you. (Extra Site etc.)

we are working on new options in Wialon Hosting for you and others, i hope will ready for spring season.

Александр Сорокин, АГРОштурман.РФ
Wialon Agro - система мониторинга с/х техники и полей.