Тема: Retrieve intervals option to Geofences/Units filter
Dear Colleagues and Gurtam Developers,
Is it possible to make a digital sensor wich is triggered by geofences? (If the position is in the geofence it's value is 1, if out it is 0)
We would like to use it as a validator for other sensors for exaple as an ignition validator (not null check).
Our main problem is that we can't make a report wich contains the geofences and fuel level data at the same time. (or it is not working properly)
At the reports if we add table about Geofences there is no fuel data available (it is pitty because this is the only way where the km counting, AVG speed calculating, in time spending works well). The detalization is is not working with the geofence names, that would be useful also..
If we make a report from trips, engine hours, etc. we can set Geofences as a filter (Geofences/units in/out/none at each geofence ) than the km, time, speed and other parameters calculating provides false data/answer because it counts not only with that period when the positions were in the geofences (see attached picture).
It would be great if we could solve this problem! Any idea how can we make Geofence reports with fuel data (calculated only that period when the unit was in a geofence) would be great!