Topic: Calculating driver behaviour (eco-driving)
Now days CANbus is on many vehicles from machines to truck and some kind of evaluation of drivers behaviour is must have.
So my question to your help was :
"Can you tell me the best way to calculate percentage of various sensore values for example.
I want to calculate and put in report:
-(I have RPM sensore)percentage of "green" RPM ,say from 1000-1500 rpm .So how may green RPM in all RPM are done?
-percentage of KM driven from 80-85 Km
-(i have gas pedal sensore)percetage of driven km with no gas pedal ?how many km?
-driven km with brakeing(have brake sensore)
-driven km with retarder(have retarder sensore)
-driven km with tempomat in percentage(have temop.sensore)
Best regards"
Answer is that it cant be done in percetages .Only values can be gathered.
So in att I am going to put a doc how Mercedes has done evaluation on drivers .Similar option for Wialon has to be done.