Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

i know we are still having problems with last update but please dont forget this for the near future


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

и здесь продолжу, а то я уж новую ветку создал, сорри, забыл что есть уже

а можно как то разработчикам поиграться с данной функцией? временные интервалы чтоб менять, варианты звуков и т.д. к примеру, чтоб когда выскакивает уведомление о тревоге при нажатии кнопки СОС, звук длился пока удаляешь прочитанное или нет уведомление..... как то так

Добавлено спустя   2 минуты  22 секунды:
а то сейчас там просто галочка и обычный - Трыньк!


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

было бы очень удобно, появись в настройках уведомления, возможность загружать свои .midi

Великий и ужасный Гиоргий Каладзе

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

да уж давно клянчим сие


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

thanks for taking this issue again , please developers do you think it would be possible to include the different sound for notifications


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms


Denis Strakh, Gurtam

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Добрый день, поддерживаю данное предложение.
мы задумались о такой функции для реализации механизма автоинформатора в общественном транспорте:
в автобусе стоит простейший планшетный ПК, на котором установлено приложение GPS TAG и запущен Виалон, и при входе в геозону срабатывает уведомление, на которое назначен конкретный трек, где записано объявление данной остановки и следующей.

Пискунов Дмитрий
ООО "Восточно-Сибирский процессинговый центр"
Иркутская область г. Иркутск

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

guys do you think we will be able to have this notification upstate, it is very important for fleets that have more than 50 units and monitoring rooms, different noises for different events can help them do there job more easily


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

aressun, yes it will be possible to customize by putting URL to notification sound file.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

please maybe we can work on this,  if that is the best solution i have posted this idea now for a long time


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

This feature is available in upcoming upgrade.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

yes i saw it today thanks very much


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

This is a great enhancement as we are experiencing the same issue. The ability to have a different alert, as well as defining the repeat frequency for the alert, will certain improve monitoring capability. We have completed a monitoring center that currently is monitoring around 120 vehicles (will be 300 by end of March), 5 personal trackers ( will increase once we have GPS Tag sending to PRO) and 6 barges and we need to be able to have different alerts for each. Some a simply warnings that a unit needs to be monitored more closly, unit is going into a known connection loss area, but others need immediate response eg potential theft.

Keep up the great work on enhancing the application.


Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.