Notification sounds and alarms

Тема: Notification sounds and alarms

Problem: we have several clients that do monitoring of several units at the same time, and because the notification alarm is the same common sound for all of them they can not identify what is important ans what is not, in an specific case they have alarms for vehicles coming out of a geozone that is really important, but because they also have speed alarms activated they can not differentiated between them.

propose solution: we must be able to load different sounds from a file to differentiate the alarms. instead of a bell we should be able to record

1.  coming out of geozone xxx
2. alarm for excess velocity

and so on


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

i'll clarify your proposal for other partners who speak Russian.

Поясню предложение нашего партнера из Гондураса.
Его суть состоит в том, чтобы при разных событиях воспроизводить разный, а не один и тот же звук. Например, можно разграничить его по типам уведомлений. Тогда партнеры также при желании смогут передавать свои звуковые файлы по каждому сайту мониторинга для загрузки.


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Давно предлагалось.

Семь лет мак не родился и голода не знали!
С уважением

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Мы тоже встречались с подобной проблемой, но звук это не всегда удобно... Решение можно также найти в явном визуальном различии между всплывающими уведомлениями с возможностью выбора. Например присваивая форму, место или цвет всплывающих окон, при выборе метода уведомления...

Великий и ужасный Гиоргий Каладзе

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

The question is can this be done? , it will be very easy for the people doing the follow up in monitoring to avoid confusion with the truck notifications. if that can not be done will you upload different sounds so we can choose from them to differentiated between messages

Вопрос в том, может ли это сделать? , То это будет очень легко для людей, делающих следить в мониторинге во избежание путаницы с грузовика уведомлений. если это не может быть сделано вы будете загружать различные звуки, чтобы мы могли выбрать из них, чтобы различие между сообщениями


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Jorge, we accumulating propositions and will review them in january. Our current primary goal is to reimplement same monitoring system look and feel on new platform and to publish Wialon SDK. Only after implementing it we will review all proposals.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

I understand we will wait but please take in consideration my idea , it would work great for real time monitoring of fleets that have a lot of units


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

any news on considering this proposal please take in account


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

не, идея хорошая, но мне кажется достаточно всего три различных звука. Ну наподобии - критическая важность/ предупреждение/ обычное сообщение. И звуки брать из системы...


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

i could live with 3 different sounds as a start ....would love if you did for customs sounds later on, but 3 is enough for now

я мог бы жить с 3 различными звуками, как начать .... хотелось бы, если вы сделали для таможенного звуки позже, но 3 достаточно пока


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

maybe now we can open this topic for development....the idea of using different sounds was an initial good solution

please consider for development


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

after updating the Wialon Hosting, we consider the possibility of implementing this proposal.

Denis Strakh, Gurtam

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

when is the next uptdate due


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

aressun пишет:

when is the next uptdate due

In late April - early May, after exhibition Navitech 2012.

Denis Strakh, Gurtam

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

давай те уж возможность подставлять рингтоны забабахаем smile


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

please can you confirm when the upgrading of the system will take place, so we can start pushing this development


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

I still hope that the update will be in May smile

Denis Strakh, Gurtam

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Было б здорово!!!!


Notification sounds and alarms

(16/05/2012 17:08:34 отредактировано atc-mon)

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Тоже поддерживаю данную мысль...
Но раз уж тема про уведомления.
Может еще рассмотреть возможность досылать актуальные (не закрытые) онлайн уведомления после входа в интерфейс?

PS: Если не в тему... то могу создать отдельную тему.

Козлов Сергей
ООО "ГК"АТС-Мониторинг"
Регион: ПФО и не только...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

dear sir confirming when will the update will take place so you will take this upgrade into consideration,


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Dear Jorge, update will take place at june 17-18.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

ok thanks, jut as a question will this be included on the update or only after  update  will consider to include


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

aressun, once the status of topic on forum will change into "Принято" it will be scheduled for next update. AFAIK this feature is not in the list of implemented topics for this update.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Shal thanks for the update....


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Is there any update on this enhancement ? Can we modify the soundfile used using the SKD? We also need a both differentiation of the sounds as well as extend the duration of the sound.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

i know we are still having problems with last update but please dont forget this for the near future


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

и здесь продолжу, а то я уж новую ветку создал, сорри, забыл что есть уже

а можно как то разработчикам поиграться с данной функцией? временные интервалы чтоб менять, варианты звуков и т.д. к примеру, чтоб когда выскакивает уведомление о тревоге при нажатии кнопки СОС, звук длился пока удаляешь прочитанное или нет уведомление..... как то так

Добавлено спустя   2 минуты  22 секунды:
а то сейчас там просто галочка и обычный - Трыньк!


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

было бы очень удобно, появись в настройках уведомления, возможность загружать свои .midi

Великий и ужасный Гиоргий Каладзе

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

да уж давно клянчим сие


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

thanks for taking this issue again , please developers do you think it would be possible to include the different sound for notifications


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms


Denis Strakh, Gurtam

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

Добрый день, поддерживаю данное предложение.
мы задумались о такой функции для реализации механизма автоинформатора в общественном транспорте:
в автобусе стоит простейший планшетный ПК, на котором установлено приложение GPS TAG и запущен Виалон, и при входе в геозону срабатывает уведомление, на которое назначен конкретный трек, где записано объявление данной остановки и следующей.

Пискунов Дмитрий
ООО "Восточно-Сибирский процессинговый центр"
Иркутская область г. Иркутск

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

guys do you think we will be able to have this notification upstate, it is very important for fleets that have more than 50 units and monitoring rooms, different noises for different events can help them do there job more easily


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

aressun, yes it will be possible to customize by putting URL to notification sound file.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

please maybe we can work on this,  if that is the best solution i have posted this idea now for a long time


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

This feature is available in upcoming upgrade.

At the dark side of telematics...

Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

yes i saw it today thanks very much


Notification sounds and alarms

Re: Notification sounds and alarms

This is a great enhancement as we are experiencing the same issue. The ability to have a different alert, as well as defining the repeat frequency for the alert, will certain improve monitoring capability. We have completed a monitoring center that currently is monitoring around 120 vehicles (will be 300 by end of March), 5 personal trackers ( will increase once we have GPS Tag sending to PRO) and 6 barges and we need to be able to have different alerts for each. Some a simply warnings that a unit needs to be monitored more closly, unit is going into a known connection loss area, but others need immediate response eg potential theft.

Keep up the great work on enhancing the application.


Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.