Topic: I get the {'status': '16'} Invalid report \\no such report
I am using a python script to send requests to the API I log in successfully and I send this request (¶ms={}&sid='my id') successfully
but went I send this request
(¶ms={"reportResourceId": 21047901, "reportTemplateId": 3, "reportObjectId": 25234991, "reportObjectSecId": 0, "interval": {"from": 1675206000, "to": 1675637999, "flags": 0}}&sid='my id)
I get the {'status': '16'} Invalid report \\no such report
what i am doing wrong hir
the core/search_items request response ({'searchSpec': {'itemsType': 'avl_resource', 'propName': 'reporttemplates', 'propValueMask': '*', 'sortType': 'reporttemplates', 'propType': 'propitemname', 'or_logic': '0'}, 'dataFlags': 8193, 'totalItemsCount': 1, 'indexFrom': 0, 'indexTo': 0, 'items': [{'nm': 'COMPTES ', 'cls': 3, 'id': 21047901, 'mu': 0, 'rep': {'1': {'id': 1, 'n': 'Rapport_Unit_Stops', 'ct': 'avl_unit', 'c': 935}, '2': {'id': 2, 'n': 'Rapport_Unit_Parkings', 'ct': 'avl_unit', 'c': 17361}, '3': {'id': 3, 'n': 'Rapport Global_Standard', 'ct': 'avl_unit', 'c': 62672}, '4': {'id': 4, 'n': 'Rapport_Unit_Trips', 'ct': 'avl_unit', 'c': 22746}, '5': {'id': 5, 'n': 'Rapport_Units_Group_Parking', 'ct': 'avl_unit_group', 'c': 46232}, '8': {'id': 8, 'n': 'Rapport_Global', 'ct': 'avl_unit', 'c': 20028}, '9': {'id': 9, 'n': 'Rapport_SBC', 'ct': 'avl_unit_group', 'c': 65339}}, 'uacl': 17627904754211}]})