Concox JM-VL02

Topic: Concox JM-VL02

I need help on the JM-VL02 because it doesn't have a more complete manual.
Not even on the manufacturer's website, informing whether this equipment has an analog input for iButton.
And I also need the equipment commands.

Can someone clear this doubt for me please?


Concox JM-VL02

Re: Concox JM-VL02


Unfortunately, we do not have a command list and installation scheme for JM-VL02 model. Kindly contact the manufacturer to request the information.

Thank you


Concox JM-VL02

Re: Concox JM-VL02

Please find attached some sms commands. Please know that commands are explained in spanish. hope this helps


Concox JM-VL02

Re: Concox JM-VL02

here is the file

Post's attachments

Attachment icon Lista de comandos VL02.xlsx 66.55 kb, 1338 downloads since 2024-03-02 


Concox JM-VL02

Re: Concox JM-VL02

It seems like you're looking for information about the JM-VL02 device, including whether it has an analog input for iButton and its commands. Unfortunately, without access to the specific device's documentation or technical specifications, it can be challenging to provide precise information.