Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Тема: Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Hi ,

We want to make a custom report to find out the mileage as per below using SDK.

01. Engine Start - Reach 1st Geofence ( act as a check point) - Mileage for this section
02. 2nd Geofence to 3rd geofence - Intersection Mileage
03. 3rd Geofence to 4th geofence - Intersection Mileage
and so on ,

I understant that it can be done easily if we know the location drivers starts the trip and mark it as. a geofence but in this case the start location of is unknown.
Any advice to get this done via SDK would be really appreciated.


Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Re: Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

ysv hello, if I understand the task correctly, maybe you can try to use report with Trips Between Geofences table type. If you select all required geofences in the table settings, Wialon controls trips between these geofences and show mileage value between them.
If this is not a solution, please, specify the initial data that you have or provide more detail with an example to support@gurtam.com for further investigation of the possible solution.

Anton Zinovyev
Technical Care Engineer (L2)

Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Re: Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Hi Zant ,
Thanks , Trips between geofences works from trip section 2 , most importantly I want to find the  mileage from where the vehicle starts ( location and time unknown) up-to it hits the 1st geofence , I checked with support they asked me to try SDK , but Im not sure what logic I can use to extract data from SDK.


Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

Re: Custom Report based on Ride between Geofences

we can develop Wialon Apps for you to create a report with the data you need.

Wialon development experts, Easy Logic Experts, Заказная разработка
Интегратор  и разработчик систем GPS/ГЛОНАСС мониторинга - watchit.ru
Interra Team, CEO Кравчик Юрий,  тел. +7 863 218-11-74, +7 863 218-11-73, emal wialon@watchit.ru

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