Need School Bus App.

Тема: Need School Bus App.

Hi all,

We are looking for School Bus App for smartphones (IOS, Android) and Admin (App, Computer) to support the School, parent and driver needed in English, French and Arabic language interface.




Need School Bus App.

Re: Need School Bus App.

We can develop such an application. Do you have a technical specification for the functionality?

Wialon development experts, Easy Logic Experts, Заказная разработка
Интегратор  и разработчик систем GPS/ГЛОНАСС мониторинга - watchit.ru
Interra Team, CEO Кравчик Юрий,  тел. +7 863 218-11-74, +7 863 218-11-73, emal wialon@watchit.ru

Принимаем заказы на разработку. Примеры наших коробочных решений и облачных сервисов

Need School Bus App.

Re: Need School Bus App.

I would recommend researching school bus management software that meets your requirements. There are several options available, such as School Bus Tracker, BusPlanner, and Edulog. These platforms offer features such as real-time tracking, route optimization, parent communication, and driver management. Be sure to check if they support the languages you need before making a decision. Additionally, you can check with your school district or local transportation department to see if they have any recommendations.


Need School Bus App.

Re: Need School Bus App.

Please check this out https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … &gl=US we did for one of our customer.

Please reach me at sathartpp@gmail.com


Need School Bus App.

(30/11/2023 22:43:13 отредактировано Kutukov Denis)

Re: Need School Bus App.

Check https://wialon.com/en/marketplace/application/busokay

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