moving a unit from one customer to another

Topic: moving a unit from one customer to another

we have a car that is moving from one customer to another.

So we have the unit 'myCar' under AdminAccountAlpha moving to AdminAccountBeta. So because we cannot change the account creator, I then duplicated the `myCar' unit and deleted the old one. but the new 'myCar' one is not getting any data.
I waited a bit but after an hour , I believe that the unit is sending the data to the old unit (that has been deleted and that I cannot see anymore). Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? How can I test it successfully. The tracker on the 'myCar' is a Ruptela ECO 4.
" Error: 'Item with such unique property (phone number, name or UID) already exists.'."

thank you for your help and advice


moving a unit from one customer to another

Re: moving a unit from one customer to another

When the unit is deleted the data messages are also deleted with it. So you should restore the unit from the Trash to restore the data. Please notice that there can't be 2 units with the same ID in Wialon at the same, so you should temporary change the ID of the second unit to restore the first.

jamalikatrans wrote:

we have a car that is moving from one customer to another.

If it is a one-time event, then you should use special instrument to move unit from one account to another without deleting it.

If you want to do it from time to time, then probably you shouldn't move it, but you should change access rights for the unit. Most likely the unit should be placed in some account above "AdminAccountAlpha" and "AdminAccountBeta" in such a case.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

moving a unit from one customer to another

Re: moving a unit from one customer to another

thank you Zark. i will do it ;-)