Address and coordinates detection

Тема: Address and coordinates detection

I am a Wialon Hosting user. I want to make sure of the address and coordinates detection API highlighted at https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … ss_coords.

A sample request is like this

https://geocode-maps.wialon.com/hst-api … s_geocode?

My question is how I get the uid? Is it my user ID? How do I know what my user ID is?


Address and coordinates detection

Re: Address and coordinates detection


yes, uid is a user ID by which you login  - https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … n#response
After login you get user ID from response - parameter  "user" -  "id"  for example (the part of  json response)

    "au": "username_10",
    "tm": 1630396296,
    "wsdk_version": "1.355",
    "base_url": "https://hst-api.wialon.com",
    "hw_gw_ip": "",
    "hw_gw_dns": "nl.gpsgsm.org",
    "gis_search": "",
    "gis_render": "",
    "gis_geocode": "",
    "gis_routing": "",
    "user": {
        "nm": "username_10",
        "cls": 1,
        "id": 191718891,
Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert

Address and coordinates detection

(14/11/2024 19:48:10 отредактировано ladogelashvili16)

Re: Address and coordinates detection

can you help me to solve the problem? I'm passing my uid but getting an error: {"error":1,"reason":"INVALID_SESSION"} even though my userId is correct. Then I found new documentation where it is defined to pass gis_sid, I did but the same result. I don't know why I'm getting this error.

I followed instructions from here but couldn't manage to solve the problem.
