Topic: Not possible to have all "Advanced properties" with core_search_items
Since today, not possible to have all information of "Advanced properties", I have all the information, but not "Advanced properties" only two of them "act and "dactt", I need 'ph" for example.
Yesterday, it was working, but today no, I don't think to modify something.
"uid":<text>, /* unique ID (hardware) */
"uid2":<text>, /* second unique ID (hardware) */
"hw":<long>, /* hardware type */
"ph":<text>, /* phone number */
"ph2":<text>, /* second phone number */
"psw":<text> /* password */
"act":<bool> /* unit deactivated - 0, activated - 1 */
"dactt":<long> /* deactivation time UNIX, 0 - unit is activated */
I use the same functions since the beginning,
def fct_InfoUnit(wialonAPI, unitName):
global unit
spec = {
"itemsType": "avl_unit",
"propName": "sys_name,rel_billing_account_name",
"propValueMask": unitName,
"sortType": "sys_billing_account_guid",
"propType": "sys_name"
interval = {"from": 0, "to": 0}
unit = wialon_api.core_search_items(spec=spec, force=1,
# print("Info-unit:")
# print(unit)
except WialonError as e:
and to have the token with this parameters :
// Main function
function getToken() {
// construct login page URL
var url = dns + "/login.html"; // your site DNS + "/login.html"
url += "?client_id=" + "App"; // your application name
url += "&access_type=" + 0xFFFFFFFF; // access level, 0x100 = "Online tracking only"
url += "&activation_time=" + 0; // activation time, 0 = immediately; you can pass any UNIX time value
url += "&duration=" + 604800; // duration, 604800 = one week in seconds
url += "&flags=" + 0x1; // options, 0x1 = add username in response
url += "&redirect_uri=" + dns + "/post_token.html"; // if login succeed - redirect to this page