This Internal Robust Motorized Lock will secure the cargo...

Тема: This Internal Robust Motorized Lock will secure the cargo...

This Internal Robust Motorized Lock will secure the cargo in the box-trucks, cargo trailers, vans and pick-ups (dry and refrigerated).
Dedicated to automotive applications as Vehicle (cargo trailer) Locking System, this lock is remotely controlled by a GPS/GSM tracking device system or Bluetooth controller and may be easily integrated with the existing vehicle tracking/telematics system.
Bluetooth provides the additional secured option to control the lock if the GSM terminal is damaged or there is poor GSM coverage in the area.
Weight 1,5 Kg; Bolt stroke 5- 55 mm ; Bolt Diameter 18 mm ; Operational voltage 9-36 VDC; Current draw 1-6 A; operational environment temperature -40C _+65C.; Breakout force 120 Kg.
!! (BLUETOOTH controller fitted on the lock's housing only for illustration purposes, it is not supplied in a set with lock).
#cargo #logistics #security #antitheft #telematics #lock #truck #trailer #load #lossprevention #tracking #gsm #bluetooth #tracking

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