Тема: Total weight calculation in trips report
I just observed an interesting fact when working with reports.
I have created a report for 1 client and in the trips section I added lots of infos . On the last Column I added parameter Weight This parameter represent the weight that truck had on each trip.
On the last row of the report (the "Total" row) I observed that the report adds up all these values ( from individual trips) and puts that value on the last line. This is not correct from my perspective.
Imagine you load a truck in Kiev with 20 tones and sends it to Athens.
When you run your trips report most probably you will have several lines there with infos between parking points. When you check the total (the last bold line) you expect to find total distance + average consumption and Maybe average weight, not a sum of all weights from each individual trip.
I highlighted this topic at support team and they say that this is the way it was meant to be, and .. it s OK.
OK, it might be for local transport scenarios where 1 trip = 1 A to B delivery. but in international transport where an A to B delivery can take 2-3 days, with several Parking brakes, adding all this is useless.
Pls tell me guys what do you think abut this.