retrieve the value of a parameter:

Тема: retrieve the value of a parameter:

Hello I am trying to retrieve the value of a parameter: The only thing I found is this:

https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … lc_sensors
I understand all the parameters except source ??? I find it or source and what is it ???
There is no more example
please ;-)


retrieve the value of a parameter:

Re: retrieve the value of a parameter:

I tryed... and many ....

return an empty array or ....
  error: 4,
  reason: 'VALIDATE_PARAMS_ERROR: {source: text, indexFrom: uint, indexTo: uint, unitId: long, sensorId: long}'


retrieve the value of a parameter:

Re: retrieve the value of a parameter:


If you need to get parameter with it's value (raw value) you can just get messages - please look example here https://sdk.wialon.com/wiki/en/sidebar/ … s/messages

To get sensor's values via request svc=unit/calc_sensors, first it needs to load messages to loader.
For this you can execute request load messages ( see request in example above)
Then execute request svc=unit/calc_sensors , where "source":"" means default loader which used for load messages.
Please note sensor id is number like '1', '2' and etc. To get all sensor is used "sensorId":0

For example,

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert