Fuel storage monitoring : wireless sensor + Android tablet + Wialon

(edited by mechatronica 12/11/2020 12:35:34)

Topic: Fuel storage monitoring : wireless sensor + Android tablet + Wialon

Remote fuel tank monitoring is a popular request from customers.
Modular and wireless Eurosens Dominator Bt fuel level sensors can be installed for accurate fuel level monitoring without wiring of cables.

With Eurosens Tank Manager Android App  we can use any Android tablet or even mobile phone as local interactive display and GSM modem.We install this Android tabled in the nearest building where good Bluetooth Low Energy signal from sensors could be received (up to 200 meters in the direct visibility range).

Eurosens Tank manager will display fuel volumes in the tanks and send data to the remote server using Wialon IPS or MQTT protocols. So it can work either with commercial tracking platform software (Wialon) or even with free open source IOT Thingsboard platform. Eurosens Tank Manager also sends email notifications when fuel volume in each of tanks drops below threshold.

  • Fuel storage monitoring : wireless sensor + Android tablet  + Wialon
  • Fuel storage monitoring : wireless sensor + Android tablet  + Wialon
Датчики расхода и уровня топлива, системы бортового взвешивания, контроля температуры и другое оборудование для телематики
Manufacturer of fuel level/consumption sensors, onboard weighing, temperature sensors, displays.... etc.
telegram channel (ENG)  https://t.me/eurosens  (RUS) https://t.me/mechatronicsby