utilisation du wialon

Topic: utilisation du wialon

Je suis sur un projet dans lequel je dois utiliser le capteur DUT-E GSM l'entreprise m'informe qu'il utilise le protocol wialon IPS.
J'aimerais savoir comment utiliser le protocol de communication wialon IPS avec TCP pour recuperer mes données via mon server local

I am on a project in which I must use the DUT-E GSM sensor the company informs me that it uses the Wialon IPS protocol.
I would like to know how to use the wialon IPS communication protocol with TCP to recover my data via my local server


utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

I would like to have help with my project.
I want to view data from the DUT-E GSM sensor using my own server but communication is only possible with wialon IPS using TCP


utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

What type of our product do you use? Is it Wialon Hosting or Wialon Local?

Wialon IPS protocol documentation and emulator can be found here on our official site.

@ Oleg Zharkovsky
Customer Service / Quality Control and Training
"Timely is the best. But still better late than never."

utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

this is the wialon IPS communication protocol (wialon IPS v2.0) that I use


utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

ouattara.aboulaye2019 wrote:

this is the wialon IPS communication protocol (wialon IPS v2.0) that I use

Wialon IPS 2.0 protocol description you can find on this page
You should develop the script which parses the data on your TCP port according to protocol.
The exact parameters' names and description you can ask Technoton (because Wialon IPS transmits many parameters from DUT-E as custom parameters)
Or you can become Wialon customer and see all data from DUT-E in Wialon

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

but you have never developed a Scripts?


utilisation du wialon

Re: utilisation du wialon

ouattara.aboulaye2019 If we speak about wialon -- all scripts are developed by Gurtam Hardware integration team.
If you want to develop your own solution basing on Wialon IPS parsing -- we can answer the basic question about protocol nuances here. The main work should be developed by your side.
Thank you.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst