1003 errors on listener

(edited by ricardo.lgr 12/02/2020 21:19:23)

Topic: 1003 errors on listener

Hello everyone,

I have been working with the JavaSDK since some months ago and cant get rid of this problem.

I have almost 2000 items from wich i need to get ther events, so we take SDK as a base to create the listener
asking for /avl_evts 24/7 and it works!

Takes from 3 to 9 seconds each request that comes with 300-1000 or more events (time of response and total of events ar not correlated),
then either sucess or fail we ask again, mainwhile some thread is processing the data.

Whats wrong: we have descarted conexion problems, but everyonce in a while we get 1003 error or a timeout (wich is set to 30seg max)

All of this bring me to 3 questions.

  • Im i doing something wrong?
  • Wich would be a better practice for what i need to achieve?
  • Can i ignore 1003 erros knowing that  i wont loss data?

I would like to add that this project is critic mission because some of these data is related to driver safety, we cannot lose events

Any help or advice would be really thankful


1003 errors on listener

Re: 1003 errors on listener

ricardo.lgr wrote:

Hello everyone,
Whats wrong: we have descarted conexion problems, but everyonce in a while we get 1003 error or a timeout (wich is set to 30seg max)

Any help or advice would be really thankful

Error 1003 means "Only one request is allowed at the moment". It happens when you reach the limit of requests. Please check these limits

I can suggest to separate requests. For example, create several Wialon sessions token/login, split units for avl_events between these sessions and request events.


1003 errors on listener

(edited by ricardo.lgr 14/02/2020 19:44:10)

Re: 1003 errors on listener

I have chosen to work by each error
1003 and 6 are ignored and keep trying to reach wialon on the next iteration
1 i stop the listener thinking that somehow the session has died and then reconnect it
Any other errorCode just print whats happening

Now i have a question:
It is common to get this error "hst-api.wialon.com: Temporary failure in name resolution"?