Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

(edited by Fadi Ramzi 12/01/2020 12:03:40)

Topic: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Hello Dears,

I already have implemented a process that make a request to execute report and get results to use them in my side, but now i need to make the filtration of the setting report be dynamically specified from user side,
The most thing i need it for now is specify geofence that vehicles has visits on it dynamically by user side,
my idea as the following :

  • create a const named group in customer account ex : "zones-for-app"
  • create a template report with type of "geofences" to get vehicles's visits on a geofence (but here geofence is not selected in filteration, it will be selected from user side)
  • from the user side, make the request to search and get for geofence group named "zones-for-app" and then list geofences in dropdown for the user
  • make the user select target geofence that he need to get visits on it,
  • send request to execute report with selected geofence
  • get the results and draw a custom graphics report for him

does this possible please?
and if doesn't, then how can i achieve that for my customers?
their requirements :

  • result should be in horizontal not vertically with some custom style
  • each customer of them has several zones, and they need to get visits for each one on a group of vehicles

customers count is more than 12 and each one own several zones different from the others

as you know it is not logical to create a report template for each one and inside that report create N of tables (N = dynamically zones) each of them specified for a geofence!!

So perhaps there is a way to accomplish that in a good way



Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Hello Fadi,

Recently we've have added new report type - Geofence(s) on Wialon Hosting
Now user can select  geozone or  geozones group and execute report for required period
The result will show which units  (and when) visit these geozones.

Please look it, may it it's suitable solution for you. You can get via API report result in JSON and draw any custom tables/graphics on other visizutionipn on your side. If I understand your task correctly.

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert

Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Sorry,  i missed this update of report type, i am going to test it, but still i need answer if i can set filtration setting dynamically

thank you very much


Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Fadi Ramzi wrote:

Sorry,  i missed this update of report type, i am going to test it, but still i need answer if i can set filtration setting dynamically

thank you very much

you can change report settings, for example selected geozones , in any time  before report will be executed.
But sure it depends on how often it needs to update selected zones.
That is why I suggest you to look to new report Geofences, because in this case it doesn't need to change report settings, only to apply required elements to launch reports.
For example, user login, select required geofenses  A , B, C , and report will be executed for this geofences. Then other user can select other geofences like D, F, G - adn report will be executed to this geodefense
So you just pass geofences id and resource id

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert

Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Yes, i have understood you,
report geofences fixed my problem but still i need to make selected units in filtration to be selected dynamicaly by user smile,
that what i am asking you and searching for smile



Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

(edited by Dragan 23/01/2020 14:47:06)

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

chdi wrote:

you can change report settings, for example selected geozones , in any time  before report will be executed.

Can someone change report settings selected zones from SDK before executing report in WL?


Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Re: Execute Custom Report with specifying filtration settings dynamically

Dragan wrote:
chdi wrote:

you can change report settings, for example selected geozones , in any time  before report will be executed.

Can someone change report settings selected zones from SDK before executing report in WL?


yes, it's possible to change report settings via SDK - update report template : pass all parameters as before with new array of geofences.

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert