Тема: IMEI in reports
Can be added IMEI´s in reports?
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Can be added IMEI´s in reports?
locationGPS, good day!
Which reports you would like to add IMEI?
For what purposes will this ID be used? Please, provide us some cases, when this information in reports will be useful.
client uses IMEIS for their internal database when creating objects in wialon via APi
Hello locationGPS,
I noted your request in backlog. We can do it in the future.
Thanks for your proposal.
Hello Pablo,
we added the ability to display IMEI(Unique ID) in report tables using the Calculator function. You can read more here.
Please, check it.
now if you tell me you can add internal ID I will send you a good "jamon" for christmas!
locationGPS, we can't add the internal ID to the report tables. These identifiers are required only for developers (for API requests), for users this information does not make any sense.
Because of security concerns, internal information such as passwords, tokens, identifiers shouldn't be obtained in the interface.
It is also a crime to add in paella meat and fish and people eat it.
The limits are set by ourselves.
It s client ID´s where s the problem then?