Improve for CMS

Тема: Improve for CMS


Can be this option added?


when you have to do it one by one is horrible.

That way would make is save a lot of time..

I am not saying delete the actual way of passing objects between accounts...just asking if it can be added.


Locating things

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

locationGPS, the button nearby a unit name should mean that this unit only should be transferred. So this column is for a unit by unit transferring. That is horrible as you said and I agree with you.

The tool that is in the panel now is aimed at plural transfer. You may prepare 50 units (give new creator required access) and transfer all 50 units in one step.

I think I don't understand your idea. But I tried to explain how I understand you. If I'm not right, please, correct me.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS


We pass 90% of the devices one by one to clients accounts.

so, I want to have this button.

unless are big projects, simple clients install one by one....


Locating things

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

Hi Pablo,

you can select many units, you just need to choose selection criteria on the later screens!
(in the move units between accounts process)


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

Hi, thanks wolf but I normally transfer one by one.

that is why I want the icon "pass" on each device directly.


Locating things

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

ahh i understand.

What would be super cool: Mark unit, override all access rules and just select account to which it should belong to.
The momentan process is "not very effective"...


Politeness dictates it to write his name on a post

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

locationGPS, maybe you have other ideas on how to improve the transferring process without additional columns? This option is not often used. Adding a new button will add more complexity to the system with a not required feature in most cases in daily platform use.

I may suggest a feature - you set a checkbox in a unit table, press the button in the panel, we will show this unit by default in right field in transferring dialog. Now, this dialog doesn't use selected units. This also looks not so good but may help a little.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS


Maybe something like this¿? http://prntscr.com/p1tidw

I understand about the column...you idea also fits mine...as at the end I must open the object card


Locating things

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

Once again to be sure, that we talk about the same things.
The following behavior fit you:

you set a checkbox in a unit table, press the button in the panel, we will show this unit by default in right field in transferring dialog

If yes, then we can do it soon.

Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

image please to have it clear, I think we have same idea but to be sure.


Locating things

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

Here is the screenshot

  • Improve for CMS
Tatsiana Shmihelskaya
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Improve for CMS

Re: Improve for CMS

mmmm. you mean aoutmatically will show the company where it should appear...

Well..it does not make any diference... so do not waste time doing it.

thanks otherwise


Locating things