Regarding cwteam/wialon Library

Topic: Regarding cwteam/wialon Library

Hi all,
I have found  php library cwteam/wialon  in packagist website and i have to read documents about how to use classes and functions like "core_search_item()"

i noticed that core/search_item should mapped to core_search_item smile but a documents for the library should be available

so please any reference and clarify?

Best regards,


Regarding cwteam/wialon Library

Re: Regarding cwteam/wialon Library


i noticed that core/search_item should mapped to core_search_item

It's true and it works as expected

Why? We wanted to call wialon api as class methods, but "/" is not allowed for them, so we decided to replace first '_' to '/'
How it's made https://github.com/wialon/php-wialon/bl … on.php#L46


Regarding cwteam/wialon Library

Re: Regarding cwteam/wialon Library

Hi shmi ,

Many thanks smile