Тема: Suggestions for nimbus
After I read and practice on nimbus application for one of our customers (trains of the Iraqi republic railways), me and the customer have several suggestions which is considered very important.
So kindly read the following suggestions :
1- adding new route vehicles type called "Trains" besides route taxi, tram, etc.
2- enable us to select and delete multiple stops
3- Trains route type should have a correct generated route between the stops along real trains transport lines on the map, because the route generated for trams and others types are close to roads and if I want to edit them manually to match trains transport lines it will consume a lot time due to many of points between each two stops.
4- Adding option to edit width of the generated route
5- Export reports as pdf and not as excel only.
6- Show label (display name of stop) above the points in line monitoring to enable the observer man to know the stop name without over the mouse on the point because the numbers that appears on monitoring line doesn't mean anything for the user!.
7- Enable the user to assign a units permanently to the schedules instead of re-assign them manually after rides completed.
Best regards,