Тема: Recieve fleetrun e-mail notifications via telegram bot
Greetings, dear partners. While our team is all in great efforts to make an e-mail notifications feature for you, here is a small lifehack: set them up today using a telegram bot.
Go to ifttt.com and hit “Sign up”. Then, complete a standard sign-up procedure.
If you want to send notifications to an e-mail that is not within Gmail domain, use the one to sign up.
1. Find an IFTTT bot in telegram through user search. Enter /start (or press “Start” button). After that, press /connect_channel link in the appeared message
* There is no problem with using Gmail. What I’m trying to say is, in case of Gmail, you’ll also be able to receive notifications when using another e-mail for signing up.
2. Go to your Fleetrun notification telegram channel (we have a manual of how to create it).
3. Add IFTTT to administrators as you’ve done it with the notification bot before.
4. Forward any message from the channel to the bot. You are connected, and the bot will
confirm it to you.
5. Wait for 10-15 minutes while IFTTT servers make their work.
6. Go to IFTTT channel in telegramm, enter /start and press “Authorize IFTTT” button. Finish the ifttt integration
by following instructions that appear on the screen, it shouldn’t be a problem.
7. When hitting the moment on the third screen (ifttt proposes to create applets), press “Create applet”, or just follow the ifttt.com/create link if you are working on desktop
8. Сreate a simple “if - then” expression in an intuitive interface. Hit “Plus” button and choose Telegram as an “if” trigger.
9.Choose “New post in your channel”.
10. Confirm the trigger creation (“Create trigger”).
Now it’s time to create the second part of the expression.
11. Hit “+that” and select an e-mail.
* Select carefully, there is only one option — “send an e-mail”.
12. Confirm the creation and feel relief — the work is done. IFTTT will check your channel every 15 minutes and send everything new to the e-mail.
13. There is also an applet for sending info to other e-mails (but only Gmail ones). To use it, you should simply select “gmail” except for “e-mail” when creating “then” condition. After that, just follow the IFTTT interface instructions