Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Тема: Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports


Our customers are using custom fields to add critical information for that particular unit and would like for those fields to be searchable or available in a report. The issue is that we currently can not filter the custom fields BUT only to choose which type to display i.e. general or admin fields. The problem is there is often more than one general field but we would only like to filter certain general fields.

The option for filtration is available across almost all other tables in the reports, but strangely not available for this table.

I think it would add great value if this were implemented.

- Adil.


Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Re: Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Hi pathfinder

So adding the field mask to the table settings in the "Custom fields" tables in both Driver and Units types of templates will help?
Thank you for the idea. We will look into this.

Pavel Chabai
Business Analyst, Gurtam

Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Re: Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Hello, we are agree with this request, as we are using Custom Fields to keep "administrative information", for example we have created for ALL units a custom field "ICCID" wich contains the SIMcard ICCID, but we have several other custom fields depending on each customer, and here is where we would like to get a report with ONLY the ICCID field.  Hope it can be possible, as this will help us a lot...


Jary Hernandez


Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Re: Custom Fields Table Filtration in Reports

Hi jhdeguate , pathfinder

This feature has been released in the latest update.
Now in the "Custom Fields" table, you are able to add filtration based on the name or value of a custom field. This already works in reports for units, units groups, trailers and drivers. Also, we will add this table to trailer and driver groups reports soon.

Pavel Chabai
Business Analyst, Gurtam