Тема: How to implement a web service with Platform
I need to create a web service to a platform called Centinela. Up to this moment, I have this code (código).
$soapclient = new nusoap_client('http://lab.webservices.webmaps.com.mx/reportarEmergencia.php?wsdl', true);
$result = $soapclient->call('reportar', array('key' => 'cf56bd72c2cd127f5160ce73691daa2d',
'folio' => 0,
/* longitud*/ 'longitud' => -98.207990,
/* latitud*/'latitud' => 19.045235,
/* (UTC) */'fecha' => '2017-07-14 18:32:00',
/* placa*/ 'placa' => 'ABC 123',
/* modelo (UTC) */'modelo' => 'Chevy',
/* modelo (UTC) */ 'color' => 'Rojo'));
But I have doubts as to connect with the server of wialon hosting and
I do not know if the data is sent by field, by parameter or by flag.