Report "Unit latest data"

Тема: Report "Unit latest data"


Your can creat.
Can you create a report like this? Imagen.

This report is how the report: "Unit latest data".
But it does not have the extra fields.

Unit    License plate    Date last location         Location                                                                                  Odometer     Trailer     Fields   Customized   
189    C7984GTM    2017-11-22 12:25:29    6a Avenida, Ciudad de Guatemala, ZONA 13, Guatemala     81602 km     Tanque1  Color    Black   

Trailer    Fields    Customized
Tanque2    Color    Yallow

Can these fields be added?



Report "Unit latest data"

Re: Report "Unit latest data"

Hello soporteCA,

This kind of table "Unit latest data" available only for unit groups. As for separate units, this information is available in statistics.
So, could you tell me what kind of information do you need to add to the report and why do you need it? Are this custom fields or not?

Maksim Shvets
Business Analyst

Report "Unit latest data"

Re: Report "Unit latest data"


Ok, because i have a client and this clietn have 200 units.

So he wants to see the movement of all his units, as he has them by vehicle code wants to include the plate field and wants to know the trailer that I use.

Since there are so many units, you want the most important information in a single report.

Movement of the last locations of your units and trailers. With some or all of the custom fields. But most import is   License plate from the unit and trailer.


Report "Unit latest data"

Re: Report "Unit latest data"

Hello soporteCA,

We are optimising our reports now. When this task is finished, we will be back to your proposal.

So, your idea was added. We will notify you when we have news.

Best regards,

Maksim Shvets
Business Analyst