Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Тема: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Hi Gurtam Team

Some of our customers who use WL have restrictions in their DCs and use Port Forwarding function in routing. As an example they may set router in a way that use port number 65000 instead of 80. In such a case user should add ":65000" at the end of URL in web browser and everything will works well in Wialon itself. Problem occur when they want to use Wialon applications like Track Player or when they want to use Wialon Android/iOS application, in these cases these applications don't work. Please find a way for this case and solve it.


Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Re: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Hello, hhamedk

Port forwarding can be set up not on a router, but on the Local itself - usually helps out with apps.
As for mobile clients - this issue is already reported and planned to be in our products soon. As far as I remember, this also might be solved via nginx configuration instead of the forwarding directives on the router.


Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Re: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Hi serd

Yes, we can do it in WL but our problem is that customer DC says that we block port 80 totally and all incoming requests should be on port 65000 (ie). Their policy is the problem.


Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Re: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Do you have any solution for this problem?


Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Re: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

yeah - you will need to simply tune up your nginx a bit. As for this is your server - you are free to set it up whatever way you like. Send me a note to serd@gurtam.com and I'll let you know how.


Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application

Re: Port forwanding problems in WL applications and WL android application


We still have same problem with some customers that are using different ports than 80, Mobile applications not working for them. Please update this case as around 4 years has passed I assume you have done something for that.