Тема: Google Authentificator (or 2 Factor Auth) for cms.wialon.com
Dear Gurtam Team, i know, you are using Linux and there are no security issues so you will never think about the advantages of 2 factor authentification, but all serious services i use and know support 2 factor auth.
Even our stupied windows servers are all secured by 2 factor auth.
I think for the moment securing cms.wialon.com would be enough... it should be possible to use multiple auth tokens for same username (so that two or more people (admins) can login with master user.
Or use "Wialon App" and push notifications... for example i can add some "phones" and when i do the login process it asks me to choose the phone where to send the push notification.
(by the way, something like that could work also for the hosting web gui...)