How to interpret the enabled status of the user in my custom app

Topic: How to interpret the enabled status of the user in my custom app

I want to show the user is enabled or disabled in my custom app. I am reading the "fl" and "hm" value of the user from the remote api and with that how to get the enabled status. Can anyone help me on this please.

J Prabhu

How to interpret the enabled status of the user in my custom app

Re: How to interpret the enabled status of the user in my custom app

prabhu.janakiraman, You should analize "fl" paramer if it contains 0x1 value.
If it contains 0x1 - it is disabled otherwise it is enabled. For example if "fl" value is 4 - it is enabled because expression 4 & 0x1 is false.

Head of Wialon Local Department