SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

Тема: SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it ?

For example using my login token I am getting the active SID and I am using the SID for my other service calls, when will my SID will expire or it won't expire at all if I use it periodically ?

Is there any expiration time for SID and if it is yes then is it sliding expiration ?

Thanks in advance


SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

Re: SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

karthik, SID will expire after 5 mins of idle (no requests). Any request with current SID will prolong session.

Head of Wialon Local Department

SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

Re: SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

Thanks Deal, Is there any logic of Client side SID and Server Side SID ? Or all the SIDs are same from system  ?

If I click an App from Wialon I am passing along a SID, can I use that SID to call a remote wialon API ?


SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

Re: SessionID ( SID) - What is the expiration logic and duration behind it

karthik, Wialon SID is common for client side and server side.
You can use SID which was passed to app for remote API requests.

Head of Wialon Local Department