Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

(07/10/2016 12:06:46 отредактировано Kirill Yakunin)

Тема: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

“Passengers” Module

In addition to personal tracking tools, driver behavior monitoring and speed limit violation control, dealing mostly with humans, rather than vehicles, we are developing “Passengers” module, allowing for passenger count based on RFID-technologies.

Initially while creating a new module we focused on scheduled passenger transportation in hot countries, such as the UAE, facing the issue of child mortalities during school bus transportation -  once a pupil falls asleep and left alone in a bus at temperatures above 50 °C, the results may be fatal. But the extended functionality of Wialon system the scope of its application is much broader. 

With the new functionality in Wialon system a driver is always sure that all the children have successfully left the bus remaining parked in the blazing heat, while parents know that their child will definitely get to school.

How it works?

  • A bus is equipped with a GPS tracker and registered as a unit in Wialon system;
  • Every passenger has an RFID-tag which is applied to a reader notifying the system that a passenger enters or leaves a bus.
  • Associated persons get notifications, reports on movements and can look through or edit historical data.

System novelties

  • New “Passengers” tab in the monitoring panel;
  • Two types of notifications added;
    “Passenger activity” notification is intended for parents and created separately for each passenger to signify entering or leaving the bus. Thus parents are automatically informed that the child has got to school.

    “Passenger alert” notification is intended for school employees/drivers and triggers whenever a passenger is left in a bus. After the notification is received a teacher can contact a pupil or a driver to check the bus again.

  • Reports on passengers with the option to display geofence name as an address;
  • New passenger boarding sensor;
  • Options to specify name, add photo and fill in custom fields (school, form, phone, etc.) for each passenger;
  • New “Passengers” service in CMS Manager;
  • New access rights to work with passengers;
  • Core information on each passenger, including the last event (pick-up/drop-off location; “unknown”), available in tooltip.

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)


  • Attendance report for schoolchildren/employees;
  • Children pick-up and drop-off notifications for parents/teachers (indicating location);
  • Reports on passenger movements for any period of time;
  • Immediate alerts if a passenger stays in a bus for more than “X” minutes;


  • Reports on passenger flow (loading of a particular bus and passenger flow density) to optimize the number of vehicles on the route;
  • Passenger count for tourist traffic;
  • Labour hours (e.g. interval between a drop-off and a pick-up) calculation for specialists operating in remote facilities;
  • Quick identification of a particular unit/driver if a problem occurs.

The new module is already available in Wialon Beta and now that you know it, we are looking forward to your questions and suggestions!

Marketing specialist, Gurtam

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Sounds Exciting . Will test when this is released on Beta .


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

ysv  released already, but don't forget to do the needful:

- when operating as the main user in CMS in user properties on the Branches tab enable Beta for the DNS required or simply use hosting.wialon.com

- after logged in with the Beta branch add the "Passengers" option to the one-line menu by clicking on the relevant button to the right of the menu.

- enjoy)

Business Development Manager

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Poal ,
I logged in with the beta branch , But I don't see Passengers on the right of the menu ..
Do I have to enable Passenger service under services for the relevant account on CMS ? But I don't see " passengers" under service to enable it disable it.
Am I doing something wrong ?


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

ysv you're under the main user?


  • Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)
Business Development Manager

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

(07/10/2016 11:26:19 отредактировано ysv)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Yes , logged in as the main user .
This is all I see .

  • Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

ysv  please contact our support with your login credentials.

Business Development Manager

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)



Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

I suppose it does not matter about the RFID tag so long as it can be read by a reader and transferred to the GPS device. So the tag could be a passive tag.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

ysv must be available now, pls check

Business Development Manager

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

I see it now smile Thanks


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Is it possible to enable or disable "Passenger" module under services of an account  in CMS ?


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

ysv  for now it's just a beta-version, but yes, when it turns stable this will be as a service.

Business Development Manager

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

for the Passenger Alarm in notifications what is it meant to do? Alarm if the passenger is in the reader range for too long?

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

What other functions do passengers link to? Would be good if it linked to routs so we know what passengers were on what route

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Can we see the passengers that are on the bus in sensolator?

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

(07/10/2016 16:04:55 отредактировано Kirill Yakunin)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Hey, JohnG!

1. Right, "Passenger Alarm" triggers when a passenger is in the reader range for too long. It has been done for the school buses in hot countries, where children frequently fall asleep in the buses and left alone in a locked vehicle, but it can laso be used for other purposes.

2. The passengers can be bound to any unit, just create a route for it. (route-unit => unit-passengers connection). By clicking on the unit icon in the round we center the unit on the map. The list of passengers is available on tooltip.   

3. As for the Sensolator - you can't do it directly. But you can still create a report on passengers and view it in Sensolator app.

Marketing specialist, Gurtam

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

JohnG, can you explain please in more detail how you see the use of passengers in Sensolator?

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

For school buses we are looking forward for key features like.

1. Provide id card to each students as well as bus driver and support staff traveling with students.
2. Alarm send to parents as soon as student board and leave the bus at designated stops.
3. Alarm send to school and parents when student board or leave the bus at non designated stops.
4. Alarm send to school and/or driver if student board the wrong bus.
5. SMS message (vehicle will arrive in 15 min.) send to parents when bus enter the students residential area.
6. Vehicle arrival time message should be triggered only say, 7am-8am (pickup) and 1pm-2pm (drop back).
7. Parents should be able to view the bus online (using locator) only when the bus is inside the geofence of the respective residential area.
8. The RFID reader should read all the student/ staff tag at certain intervals during the journey from home to school and school to office.
9. Able to bind the bus driver and support staff to a certain bus so alarm is triggered when staff switch over to another bus without the supervisors knowledge.
10. Send weekly / monthly student inside the bus attendance report to parents.
11. Send alerts if student sleep off inside the bus when the vehicle is switched off or after a certain period of time overstayed in the bus inside school geofence.
12. Student leave report calendar where students can inform his absence in advance, so driver will be notified that student is on leave and can skip the designated bus stop.

I will keep posting about new feedback from school transport department as and when available



Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Hi ,
Will it be possible to show "Milage" between the "Initial location" and the "final location" in passenger binding report ?


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Hello G-Team...  This is a very nice tool we will be offering to our potential customers right away...

Wich "wide range RIF reader" will you recommend to use? (as it needs to be able to read tags any place in the bus for the "left passenger alert" can work).

Very interested in your answer!

Jary Hernández


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

jhdeguate Our team didn't test such equipment.
As far as we know https://www.rfideas.com/ produces many different RFID solutions.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Hi ,

How does Wialon identify check in and check out ?

I tested with a tag ; and what I understood was first reading of the tag ID is considered as "Check In" and the next reading of the same ID is considered as "Check out"  , is this correct or are you using a different method to track Check in and Check out , such as a "passenger unbound " or  "Tag unbound" parameter from the GPS tracker ?


Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Module recognizes 2 messages from tracker: first and second reading of ID card.

Viktor Yarovenko
Business Analyst

Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

Re: Testing: "Passengers" module (School Buses)

I would like to add my excitement about this module as we have had the Hardware solution for this now for like 1 year and have not been able to fully use it as we needed this module to be in place

Anyone that needs information on current Tracking Hardware and Accessories specifically designed for this application please contact us as the solution is integrated into Wialon already and we will begin to do extensive testing this week with the Passenger module our solution extends from the Bus to the Classroom with an Active RFID solution.


United States