Eco driving+Geofences

Тема: Eco driving+Geofences


Have the function of creating Ecodriving fines linked to one or more Geofences.
The oil category in our market not only requires that the driving rules in general are met, also they require that for certain routes and / or areas, driving is valued differently, with different criteria.

Example: Imagine a vehicle that has to move from the city, crossing roads, off-road trails, towns, until a pit oil drilling.
Criterion 1: Speed in city (Create and Link the Geofence cities), Max speed 60 km / h, 200 fine per violation.
Criterion 2 .: Speed in Carreterra: (Creating and Linking Road Geofence) speed limit 80km / h 100 fine per violation.
Criterio3: Speed in villages or fuerra road (Create and Link people or outside the Geofence Highway).
Criterion 4: Speed on Mountain Zone (Creating and Linking montoñas Geofence zones). Speed limit 40 km / h, 300 fine per violation.
Criterion 5: Speed in Pozo Petrolero: Creating and Linking Geofence Pozo Oilers), speed limit 20 km / h, 500 fine per violation.

I hope will be a need for many users wialon.

Best regards,


Eco driving+Geofences

Re: Eco driving+Geofences

aayala, it all sounds very complicated. Imagine how many new dialogues,inputs, checkboxes, etc. this will involve...
I would suggest you use notifications for this — speed control in geofences.

Katerina Alexandrova
Product Manager (Mobile)

Eco driving+Geofences

Re: Eco driving+Geofences

Dear Alek,

That's right, you can generate notifications, but the concept is simple that Ecodriving has the intelligence to generate an assessment of driving in areas that are critical for users.

In our country this legislated that oil companies, agricultural areas, mining areas or routes off-road, the speed limit is different than a road / highway, this leads to control the conduction from different profiles and conditions of routes, for example : You can set a speed limit of 70km / h for the vehicle, but the road does not have the conditions nor to reach 30km / h, in this situation the Ecodriving values driving based on the limit of 70km / h, but not will take into account that in this area the maximum speed is 30 km / h, therefore infringe upon the speed limit in that area will have a fine and different assessment.

Best regards,


Eco driving+Geofences

Re: Eco driving+Geofences

What device are you using? You are better to place this in the on device geofences. We do this already for one of our Oil and Gas customers plus need to modify the limit based on weather conditions. We have at the moment 5 different speed limits that trigger alerts in the vehicle for the driver.

Phoenix Solusi
Mobile Visible Secure
Specialists in data acquisition and analysis for mobile and fixed assets. Integration in to content management systems is a specialty we have.