Improving Speed by Road Feature

Тема: Improving Speed by Road Feature


We have a lot of interest / get a lot of pings about incorrect speed limit source by current speed by road parameters.

We would like to ask for the possibility to edit speed limits that are inaccurate to improve the speed by road functionality for our customer base.

So, if the speed limit reported is 45mph, but you definitely know that the real speed limit is 55mph, then the functionality of the platform would allow you to make such correction.

Eric Placzek


Improving Speed by Road Feature

Re: Improving Speed by Road Feature

We have the same need.  Ideally we'd like to have an API so we can make bulk requests or allow our users to update when they see issues.


Improving Speed by Road Feature

Re: Improving Speed by Road Feature

I consider this request essential.  User's trust in the system will be undermined if they continue to get speeding violations because of bad data, and it is unrealistic to expect that any data base will be perfect.  The most reasonable way to address this is through crowdsourcing corrections.  By engaging the drivers input to enhance the speed limit database we gain not only their trust, but there active participation in enhancing the system.


Improving Speed by Road Feature

Re: Improving Speed by Road Feature

Most of speed limits information for roads is taken from OpenStreetMap, so the best way to update them, is to edit speedlimits there and after update of map they will get into Gurtam maps.

Sergey Haritonov, Gurtam Maps Specialist

Improving Speed by Road Feature

Re: Improving Speed by Road Feature

How does that impact your Here.com data, particularly in the US where OSM speed data is spotty?  How often do you update from OSM?


Improving Speed by Road Feature

Re: Improving Speed by Road Feature

Data is updated quarterly or by request. Regarding Here data, please write to support@gurtam.com if there are incorrect speedlimits.

Sergey Haritonov, Gurtam Maps Specialist