New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Тема: New Sensor based on Private Mode state


We already change the unit state using based on geofences and route control. However, rigth now we want to create a sensor in the unit which value depends on unit status (working/private/on route 6/,etc) or just a numbers which could represent different status..

Clearly we need to use as type of sensor Private mode in unit properties. However we dont know which parameter use ! We tried Trip_status,  State, etc. 

Thanks in advance if someone could help us


New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Re: New Sensor based on Private Mode state


the sensor Private mode defines only 2 states  - 'Business', 'Personal'
A trip receives 'Business' status, if zero sensor values have been received on the chosen time interval. If any other values have been received on the interval, then a trip receives 'Personal' status.
So if device sends some digital sensors about this status you can use it for sensor Private mode

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert

New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Re: New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Thanks for your reply. What I understand, state sensor is digital one!

So the question should be:

Can I create a sensor based on the information based on which Unit Group the unit is part?
Can I create a sensor based on the information on GPRS traffic counter?

Thanks in advance.


New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Re: New Sensor based on Private Mode state

alcatraz1972 пишет:

Can I create a sensor based on the information based on which Unit Group the unit is part?
Can I create a sensor based on the information on GPRS traffic counter?

alcatraz1972, how do you assume to use GPRS traffic counter to define status of vehicle?

The sensor should be based on parameter which device sends

In other case if device doesn't send any such parameter you can try to use status registration to unit through notification
For example, if unit visits some geofence, lets name it like "Home"   the system will register status 'personal'
So you just need to create notification to control exit to geofence "Home" and select action Register unit status

Diana Cheley
Wialon Hosting Expert

New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Re: New Sensor based on Private Mode state

Rigth now we are using notification to modify the unit status. We have several status that work perfectly in report, but I cannot use this information in order to generate a sensor. 

We tried to modifiy the GPRS traffic too and register this counter, but I cannot use the information with a sensor unit.

In the final application I need to retransmitir several parameters, including the unit status. For this reason we tried to create a sensor with this information without success.

If there is a way around to read unit state, GRPS traffic or Group unit (the movil is only in one group all the time) from sensor parameter, we are ready I we can continue working with retranslator.

Using one specific retranslator such wialon IPS, could I get the unit status ?

Thanks in advance for your support