tracker that can write on the obd2

Тема: tracker that can write on the obd2

I'm looking for the best tracker that can send commands on the obd2. Any suggestions?


tracker that can write on the obd2

Re: tracker that can write on the obd2

There are dozens of hardware trackers which can use OBD2 bus. If you are searching for a software tracker you can use my Tracker for Traccar :  https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta … ck.traccar

The OBD implementation is currently experimental, but we can make it better with your help.


tracker that can write on the obd2

Re: tracker that can write on the obd2

I'm looking for a hardware tracker. I know there are many trackers that plug in the obd, some of them can also read data from the obd connection, but I couldn't find one that can also write on the obd2 (to lock/unlock doors). Any suggestions?