Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

(04/08/2020 21:16:41 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Тема: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

We started using Logistics for gas delivery around the city.

The orders comes randomly, the vehicles are always riding around the city randomly too. When a new order is generated, the client must select the nearest unit of the order location (by eye) because the app doesn't select automatically.

Actually I don't see any reason for this not to be included by standard, but maybe creating a checkbox in the adjustments that the when selecting every unit to an order, the algorithm take into account the closest unit to the order location/warehouse, when distributing the orders.

This improvement will prevent the orders to be generated for vehicles far away from the order's location. Fuel, mileages... will be saved.

  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello, Fernando Brochetto!

Thank you for the great suggestion!

Indeed, there are cases when vehicles always drive around the city in a random order.

If the algorithm will take into account the nearest unit to the place / warehouse of the order when distributing orders, this will reduce costs.

We will consider the possibility of implementation and think about how to make your work more comfortable!

We will inform you about the status of this request!

Anton Voitenko,
Wialon Product Manager, Gurtam

Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello voan,
Thank you for your answer!
I was looking deeper, I think that this first route from the unit to the first point should also be consider in the estimated time to the first point, please, look the screenshot.

  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello Fernando Brochetto,
We have added the ability to take into account the location of units.
We look forward to your feedback!
Thank you and have a great weekend!

Anton Voitenko,
Wialon Product Manager, Gurtam

Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello voan, how are you?
I was doing some tests with the new ability and maybe it need some improvements.
The platform is configurated to take into account only units with engine on? Because I did some tests and it seemed to be working on that way, but other times it was just strange, look the screenshot.
For example clients that work with gas delivery sometimes have the unit finishing a delivery and the vehicle is with engine off, in this cases the right thing to do was to exclude only vehicles parked inside their base, in this case could be selected a geofence for vehicles to be excluded, not to being taken into account when distributing the orders.
Also the estimated time isn't properly yet, the time to reach the first order could be taken into account, what do you think?

  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello Fernando Brochetto!
The algorithm takes into account all objects that you selected in the 2nd planning step
The distance from the object to the first point is also taken into account.
Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Maybe you didn't activate the option?
Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Could you check it?

  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
  • Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit
Anton Voitenko,
Wialon Product Manager, Gurtam

Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

(26/03/2021 22:14:37 отредактировано Fernando Brochetto)

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello voan, do you have an e-mail for me to send you a video?
It keeps happening.

Fernando Brochetto
Technical Support, Rastreasul


Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Re: Take Account of Unit's Location: Nearest Unit

Hello Fernando Brochetto!
You can send a video to voan@gurtam.com
I hope we can solve this problem.
Thank you!

Anton Voitenko,
Wialon Product Manager, Gurtam