Hello Shadow:
If you have not been able to configure via SMS, happened to reset default data
The factory password is: 000000
Initialization W ******, 990.099 # # # W000000, 990.099 # # #
Note: Send "Default?" by SMS to the device. In a range of 120 seconds, send this command via message to
tracker. To return to the factory.
# # # Is the ending character required in the text message.
Reset Password W888888, W888888 999.666, 999.666
Pre configuration, SMS GPRS tracking (Ensure that your SIM card supports GPRS connection prior
Set the GPRS ID
W ******, 010, ID W000000, 010.00001
Comment: Establish a GPRS ID for the tracker.
The GPRS ID must not be in May to 14 digits.
Set APN W ******, 011, APN, Username, co
W000000, 011, CMNET, Meiligao, 6688
W000000, 011, CMNET
Remarks: If no APN, does not require a username and password, as input APN only.
APN by default as "CMNET.
APN + username + password no more than 39 characters.
Set IP and Port W ******, 012, IP, Port W000000, 012,,8500
W000000, 012, www.meiligao.net, 8500
Remarks: IP is the IP of your server or domain name. Puerto: [1.65534]
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Set DNS and IP server W ******, 009, IP DNS Server W000000, 009,
Comment: If the domain name set by the last command (W ******, 012, IP, Port) does not work, the IP of your
server is not configured correctly. First, you can use this command to configure the server IP
DNS (please check with your DNS server provider for the DNS server IP address) and then redo the
command W ******, 012, IP, Port.
Enable GPRS tracking W ******, 013, X W000000, 013.1
X = 0, Turn off GPRS tracking (default);
X = 1, Enable GPRS tracking via TCP;
X = 2, Enable GPRS tracking via UDP.
Set intervals GPRS W ******, 014, XXXXX W000000, 014.00060
Remarks: Sets the time interval for sending GPRS data.
XXXXX should be set in 5 digits and in units of 10 seconds.
XXXXX = 00000, turn off this feature.
XXXXX = 00001 ~ 65535, time interval for sending GPRS data in units of 10 seconds.
In this example, the tracker will send data every 600 seconds (10 min.)
Establish a rhythm interval
W ******, 015, dating W000000, 015.10
Remarks: to set the heartbeat interval
Data: the unit of minutes
data = 0, to turn off this function;
data = 1 ~ 65535, set interval for heart rate.
In this example, the tracker will send a heartbeat every 10 minutes.
Set sensitivity
Vibration sensor
W ******, 035, XX W000000, 035.30
Remarks: Send this command to set the sensitivity of the sensor tremor
1. XX = [1.255], will be more responsive if XX is smaller.
2. The default value is 30.
Example: W000000, 035.30
Report redirection W ******, 036, degrees W000000, 036.90
Remarks: When the tracker address change with respect to pre degrees, a data message
location will be sent back to the server by GPRS.
Grade = 0, to turn off this function;
Grade = [1360], to establish the degree of change of address.
For more information regarding GPRS tracking please refer to the GPRS communication protocol.
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Output Control (Immediate) W ******, 020, P, F W000000, 020,1,1
P = 1, Output1
= 2, Output2
= 3, Output3
= 4, Output4
= 5, Output5
F = 0, to close output = 1, to open output
For example, if you connect the relay Output1 can send W000000, 020,1,1 to stop the engine.
Output Control (Conditional) W ******, 120, ABCDE
W ******, 220, ABCDE
W000000, 120.10000
W000000, 220.10000
Remarks: This function can only be achieved when the speed is below 10 km / h (command 120) or 20
km / h (command 220) and while the GPS is available.
ABCDE represents OUT1, OUT2, OUT3, Out4 and OUT5 respectively.
If A or B or C or D or E,
= 0, to close output (open drain) = 1, to open output (low voltage) = 2, remain in the state
Sleep Mode W ******, 021, X W000000, 021.2
Note: This setting is for power saving.
X = 0apagar sleep mode IX X = 1 level = 2 X = 3 Level II Level III
Explanations for sleep mode
The GPS module will be closed for 64 seconds * X (X = 1, 2, 3), if a GPS fix is obtained continuously 32 times or 128 Non-fixed GPS
times. Thereafter, the GPS module and is closed periodically worked.
Turn off W ******, 026, XX W000000, 026.10
Comment: Put the tracker in shutdown mode when inactive (resting) or immobile for a period of
In shutdown mode, the GPS stops working, GSM enters sleep mode and stops sending messages. The device
remains in this mode until activated by changes messages, incoming calls, or the movement input.
XX = 00, to disable this feature;
XX = 01 ~ 99, to turn off after a specified period of inactivity. The unit is in minutes.
In this example, the scanner enters the sleep mode after being idle for 10 minutes.
Listen (Voice Monitoring) W ******, 030, T W000000, 030.138000000
Comments: To allow a phone number to make a silent call to the tracker. The call is answered
automatically and allows the caller to listen to what happens around the tracker. No sound when
the scanner is working.
T is the phone number, Max. 16 digits;
If the incoming call is not authorized phone number will be considered as a normal call and will go into
Set recording interval W ******, 031, X W000000, 031.60
Remarks: to set the range of data storage in flash memory GPS tracker.
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(Note: this interval is not relevant to the range of SMS / GPRS tracking)
X = 0, to disable this feature.
X = [1, 65535] to set the interval in seconds.
In this example of W000000, 031.60, the tracker will store the position data every 60 seconds.
Format buffer W ******, 503 W000000, 503
Remarks: This command deletes the data stored in the buffer.
Note: Deleted data can not be recovered anymore.
Zone W ******, 032, T W000000, W000000 032.480, 032, -120
Remarks: Default time of the tracker is GMT, you can use this command to adjust to your local time. This
tracking command is for SMS only.
T = 0, to turn off this function;
T = [-32768.32767] to set the time difference in minutes to GMT.
For those that are ahead of GMT, applying the time difference in minutes directly. Eg
to GMT +8, W000000, 032.480 (8 hours is 480minutos).
'-' Is required for those behind GMT. For example, W000000, 032, -120.
Set SMS header W ******, 033, P, Char W000000, 033.1, help
Remarks: This command is to set the initial characters of emergency when the buttons SOS/IN1, B/IN2 and
C/IN3 are pressed.
P = 1, P = 2 botón/Input1 SOS, boton/Input2 P B = 3, C boton/Input3
P = 1, P = 2 botón/Input1 SOS, boton/Input2 P B = 3, C boton/Input3
1, SOS botón/Input1 2, B Input2
Char is the character in SOS message. 32 characters max. Characters shortlisted are:
1 SOS Alarm! 2 Cry For Help! 3 Call The Police!
Get version and serial No. W ******, 600 W000000, 600
Notes: For the version and serial number tracker firmware.
Get IMEI W ******, 601 W000000, 601
Remarks: to get IMEI tracker.
Restart GSM W ******, 901 # # # W000000, 901 # # #
Note: Restart the GSM module of the tracker.
Restart GPS W ******, 902 # # # W000000, 902 # # #
Note: Restart the GPS module of the tracker.
Greetings and Luck